how to play doubles in badminton

how to play doubles in badminton

Playing doubles with your friends in badminton is pretty exciting but not knowing how to play badminton doubles can be a hurdle in enjoying the game but don't worry in this guide you volition detect all information which is necessary to play doubles.

To summarize in order to play badminton y'all demand to have knowledge most these topics

  • Service rules in doubles
  • Receiving rules
  • Which shuttle is in and which is out?
  • Scoring rules
  • Faults in doubles
  • Doubles Footwork
  • Doubles Strategy to win matches

To play Doubles in badminton you lot need iv players in total with each team having two players

There are 3 types of doubles categories:-

  • Men's double
  • Women's double
  • Mixed double (one male/one female as a pair)

For all categories, rules are the same, simply your strategy differs in each category for case

  • Men'south doubles, it mostly depends upon attacks
  • Women's doubles, matches are more like marathon ways players endeavour to win the rally by making deceptive of fast shots
  • Mix doubles, as the name suggests is the mixture of both men'due south and women's double in meaning that at mail player is attacking from the dorsum of the court and female person thespian is covering the front surface area.

Badminton Doubles Rules

Before starting a friction match a toss of the money is performed to decide who is going to serve to whom and which side of courtroom will be taken by respective players.

Y'all can use any conventional coin.


1) to serve or to receive or

two) the preferred side of the court.

The loser of the money toss will and then exercise the remaining selection.

Badminton doubles rules (Service)

Which service is IN and which is OUT in doubles?

In doubles service which lands in the colored surface area is valid (Shuttle even if it lands on the line is considered as valid)

And all service in doubles (and singles) are washed diagonally.

A simple dominion is followed for service if you are having points in odd number similar 1, 3, 5 then you lot will serve from left box of courtside diagonally to your opponent and if you are having points in even number similar 0, ii, 4 so you have to serve from right box of your courtside diagonally to your opponent.

Reddish to Yellow, Yellow to Blood-red (shuttle if lands in Yellow area while serving from Yellow area from some other side than information technology is not valid)

Who is Going to practise service to whom?

There are ii players in a squad and so service will exist done in continuity means if A and B are playing A receive the kickoff service and win the point now the adjacent service will exist of his partner B and he volition continue to serve until they lose the betoken.

Look at the table beneath for more clarification.

Course of activity / Caption Score Service from Service Courtroom Server & Receiver Winner of the rally
Badminton rules
Badminton rules

Souce:- BWF

Legal Serve

There used to be a fourth dimension when players have to keep their racket below the waist to brand a legal service but now after 2018 bWF introduced the rule in which a stand of 1.15 g will be used to make up one's mind whether the server is legal.

At present according to the new rule, your dissonance head and contact point shuttle should be below 1.15 1000 but it is not the but rule which you have to keep in heed to make a legal service.

Here are some common service rules

  • You cannot motion your feet while service it applies both to the receiver and the person who is doing the service
  • Y'all cannot do a double-activeness with your dissonance while service it means that yous have to employ a Single swing to hit the shuttle and not use any double action to deceive the receiver.
  • Your feet should not be on any line

Which Shuttle is IN/OUT in badminton doubles?

Badminton doubles rules
Badminton doubles rules

Whatsoever shuttle which lands on the courtroom is considered as valid (even if information technology is on the line).

A thespian who is receiving the shuttle can place it anywhere to his opponents' courtroom only it should not be out of the courtroom.

Scoring organisation in Badminton

The Badminton 21 points scoring organisation started in the Thomas / Uber loving cup 2006. The current scoring system in Badminton

canonical past bwf is Best of 3 sets where each set is of 21 points. In this scoring system, indicate taker volition make service just like in tennis except bounciness is not allowed in badminton.

System For Counting scores in badminton as an umpire

Information technology is easy to count the scores in badminton equally an umpire, you have to follow one single rule and that is, while counting always pronounce the score of the histrion who is having the service.

For Example Lin and Lee is having a match and you lot are appointed to count score every bit an umpire now co-ordinate to rules you have to tell the score of the server(who is doing the service) first and subsequently that the score of the receiver(who is receiving the service)

Like Lucifer get-go 0-0 (now the person who will practice the service his score volition be told commencement )

at present score is vi-7 ( in this state of affairs the role player with 6 points is having the service so at present the score will exist pronounced in this manner half dozen-7 not 7-6 because the thespian with the vi points is having the serve).

Badminton doubles faults

It is very common that most of the players play badminton without the presence of an umpire so it is necessary for a actor to know the badminton faults that can give the point to your opponent. Click to read the article on faults.

How to Motion on Court while playing Doubles

I see sometimes doubles player, due to lack of Doubles positioning (formation) knowledge, both players finish upward in the aforementioned corner leaving the whole court free or argue about that "This was my hitting ".

It tin can exist very tricky for a beginner to play doubles especially when you don't know where you need to be later on the shot hit by the opponent.

Just don't worry in this commodity y'all will learn movement to move more effectively on the courtroom with your partner.

Where you and your partner formation should be while you are playing:-

  • Smash
  • Serving and receiving
  • Defense

Formation When yous are playing nail from the dorsum of the court

(want to meliorate speed of your smashes read this article)

Scenario 1 :

When your opponent gives you a high lift on your side of the court(where you are standing), the aggressor goes to rear court for the nail and other thespian will movement to the front.

Reason why? because it will be difficult for the smasher after smash to attain to net speedily.

Attacking formation
Attacking formation

Equally you can see in the diagram the frontcourt actor is standing a niggling bit to the side of the court from where his partner hitting smash, This formation helps the thespian to keep there attacking plays past covering the net.

Scenario two :

When the attacker is hit the smash, not that back of the court this formation in doubles will be effective.

Attacking early
Attacking early

Here in diagram Smasher is not that far backside and if a straight drib is played by an opponent he can easily follow through the shuttle only if he counters the smash to cross side of rear court behind histrion will be needed to play backhand which is not much effective.

That is why frontcourt player is continuing a little bit to the left side to cover those cross drives.

Service and return position in doubles

Service formation
Service formation(CC license)

The person who is doing the service and receiving the service stand close to the front end service line, whereas the other 2-player stand up to the side of the court where the receiver is standing.

Like in this picture red t-shirt player is standing a little bit to the left to comprehend the straight answer of the receiver.

Doubles Positioning When you are Defending smashes

Scenario 1 :

When yous take lifted shuttle to your opponent in the dorsum court (corners) and he is attacking

Badminton defensive formation
Badminton defensive formation(by – Antony stanley)

Here you can encounter that the Right side role player is standing close to the eye considering if the smash cross court he will take enough fourth dimension to react compare to straight nail.

That is the reason this formation is constructive.

Scenario 2 :

When your opponent is attacking the eye of his rear court.

Badminton formation
Badminton germination

In this situation, the role player is hit smash from the eye which means every possible smash bending has to travel some distance, so standing in the center of their respective half-court will be all-time.

Doubles positioning Fighting for the next attack

When both sides are fighting for the attack, they both tend to commencement in a defensive side-past-side position.

As one side gains the reward, one of their players will motion forward to claim the front of the courtroom, and their set on will begin.

Doubles tactics to win matches

The right way to receive and serve in doubles

In doubles, you cannot beget to make a loose serve and then you should invest fair corporeality time in practicing your service but at present the question is where to do serve as your option is very express because of less surface area every bit compared to unmarried

Your service should be according to your position for example if y'all are serving from left side of the court then cantankerous serve is not a valid selection because it volition requite the receiver a risk to push the shuttle straight giving you and your partner less time to react always aim for Central Line or pic service

Every bit a receiver, your aim should exist to keep the shuttle as below the net as possible lifting in the doubles is the concluding thing you want to do.

You need to be quick on receiving shuttle, the best pick is to either dribble or get for push shots to the backhand side of your opponent.

Attacking tactics

One of the near common mistakes attacking player 2 in Doubles is thinking that he is playing singles means y'all always get for abrupt smashes which country on the lines only this is not a correct strategy look at these variations which you can incorporate in your game

Long smashes

I have a friend who smashes e'er to the breast but in Doubles it seems to piece of work out because in Doubles players tend to continue their racket and torso low then long smashes gets them with surprise.
Next fourth dimension when you play, endeavor to striking smash between their hip and breast expanse and run into how that works out, simply go on in heed that your Boom should be shut to their trunk because if you hit this type of shot on their forehand side then get ready for hard counter-set on always endeavor to proceed this shot close to their torso.

Center boom( between opponent)

When my motorcoach told me about this tactic I used to wonder why there are not many players using this in international matches, at present I have realized this is because they do not lift the shuttle at heart of the court instead keeps the assailant at the corners which a beginner or even an intermediate player tends not to do
So This might evidence a good tactic for you lot.

Getting in attacking position

In Doubles major clamper of the rally is won by getting the attacks merely now the question is how y'all can ready a rally


One of the basic things you can do is to to make a fine dribble shot which will force your opponent to lift, eventually giving your partner an opportunity to attack


Counterattack is just the variation of Defence here you are hit shuttle with more force, instead of just placing the Drib shot on your defense try to hit hard so that your opponent is forced to either make a drop or elevator the shuttle


It is very rare to run into a point set up by deception in doubles because here two players are on the court then you need to be extremely practiced with these shots.
Endeavour to find out which of the two-player is more than piece of cake to deceive, so that yous tin can gain the reward to get a lift from your opponent.

There are and so many things you tin can do the incorrect check this article for common mistakes washed by a beginner


if y'all face any trouble in your badminton career.

Thank you for reading…….

how to play doubles in badminton

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